Donna Summer

I don’t have a long story regarding Donna Summer, but the first and only Donna Summer record I bought was in around 1990.  I bought a double record set of hers titled “Bad Girls” (1979) at a local, second hand market.  Well I really liked those records back then and would play them on my record player.  Some of the songs on those records included: “Dim all the Lights”, “Walk Away”, “Bad Boys” and “Sunset People” etc.

In about 2003, I had to throw away my old record player as it wasn’t working properly anymore.  Due to that I couldn’t listen to “Bad Girls” anymore.  In about 2004 I bought the double CD set of the same title.  Also in the same year I was participating in a Communication and Media Diploma.  Part of the Diploma entailed making up a short video.  So I used the Donna Summer song “Hot Stuff”, which is from “Bad Girls” and produced a music video.  Two other people were also in the video.  I also included a lot of different effects when I edited the video via computer in which my teacher at the time helped me to do.

Youtube video of Hot Stuff - Donna Summer

I don’t really listen to that double CD set “Bad Boys” anymore as most of the songs include sappy love songs.  The songs which really stand out for me from the double CD set include Hot Stuff, Dim all the Lights and Bad Girls.  I don’t really get into constant love songs.  But I do like the CD cover, which gives the records a lift.

Donna Summer - Bad Girls album cover

Donna Summer - Bad Boys album coverDonna Summer - Bad Boys album cover

In about 2006, I bought the CD “Best of Donna Summer” at a local music shop.  That CD has got some really great songs.  Some of which are:  Love to Love you, On the Radio (1978), Hot Stuff (1979), I Feel Love (1977), McAurthur Park (1978), I Feel Love, “No More Tears (Enough Is Enough)” (1979), “Last Dance” (1978), MacArthur Park (1978) (Casablanca), “Hot Stuff” (1979),  1982: “I Feel Love” (1982)

Photo of Donna Summer in the late 1970's


  Photo of Donna Summer and Barbara Striesand. 
They sung Enough is Enough as a duet together in 1979.

Barbard Streisand and Donna Summer

Various photos of Donna Summer



Donna Summer photo







I don’t have anything else to add about Donna Summer.  Due to this, that’s all folks.



December 2, 2007. Tags: , . Disco Music. 10 comments.